In this project IR sensor is used to detect the obstacles and LED glows when the obstacle is detected by the IR sensor. Both IR sensor and LED is interfaced together by using Raspberry Pi.

In this project IR sensor is used to detect the obstacles and LED glows when the obstacle is detected by the IR sensor. Both IR sensor and LED is interfaced together by using Raspberry Pi.


IR Sensor:

IR stands for Infra-Red sensor. This sensor emits Infra-Red light as well as receives it back after hitting any obstacle. This sensor module has emitter and receiver. The black LED emits light in Infra-Red wavelength and white LED is used to receive this emitted infra-red light. In this project as the IR sensor receives the infrared rays back the LED is turned on and turns off when sensor doesn’t receive it.


• VCC- 3.3V to 5V Power supply


• OUT- Digital pins (D0-D8)

• Range- Up to 20 cm (Adjustable sensing range)

Raspberry Pi:

Raspberry Pi is a low cost, small size computer that plugs into a computer monitor, and uses a keyboard and mouse. It is capable device that enables us to explore computing and to learn how to program in languages like scratch and python. It is capable of doing what we expect a computer to do. It has many interfaces like HDMI, multiple USB, Ethernet, onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, GPIOs, USB powered etc. also supports to LINUX, Python to make easy to build applications. Raspberry is available in different versions the latest version of Raspberry Pi is Pi3+ Model and the Updated version is Pi4 model. In Raspberry Pi 3B+ Model this model is having 64-bit quad core (processor) running at 1.4GHz, dual band 2.4GHz, 5GHz wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet, and PoE (power on Ethernet) capability with separate PoE HAT. Raspberry Pi3 Mode B+ maintains the same footprint as raspberry Pi2 and Raspberry Pi3 Model B.

Pin configuration:

1. Vin: Two 5v pins and two 3v3 pins used for providing power supply, where processor works on 3.3v.

2. Ground: Having 8 ground Pins which are un-configurable.

3. GPIO: There are 26 input-output pins which will be used as input or output based on programming.

4. PWM: In software PWM are available for all pins but in hardware PWM is available for GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO18, and GPIO19.

5. 2 SPI bus: These pins are used for SPI communication the pins which are used for SPI is MISO, MOSI, SCLK, CE0, and CE1

6. I2C: These pins are used for I2C communication in which DATA and CLOCK pins are used for sending data to and from the SDA connection, with the speed controlled with SCL pin and ID-SE, ID-SC are reserved for ID EEPROM.

7. TX and RX: This pins are used for UART communication.



import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time






if state==False:



print(“object detected”)


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